Paying for a debt of love...
"With this enterprise I want to try to pay the enormous debt of love and gratitude that links me to the greatest blind men of the past as Homer, Louise Braille, Augusto Romagnoli and many others.
Their fierce fight for the rights of blind people allowed me to got a fully gratifing life, and lighted up my darkness with the light of culture."Ezio Galiano

The Ezio Galiano Foundation aims at becoming an oasis and a meeting point for all blind people which is thursty of knowledge.
The mission is the social and cultural improvement of the blind's life standards through the quite endless possibilities of the nowadays technologies, which may be used to overcome the limitations that blindness entails.
The Ezio Galiano Foundation offers to blind people supplied with a common PC, the possibility to swallow their hands in the very large cultural heritage of the Ezio Galiano Foundation International Library, and in a large selection of the main italian (but not only) information sources, as newspapers and magazines, that are daily downloaded from their original websites, then adapted to the blind people's needs and finally sent again in the web, at their disposal.
The Ezio Galiano Foundation's other initiatives aim at making blind people get to know each other and have a good chat, so that a better relationship among blind people and between the blind and society at large may be established.
From this site, the Ezio Galiano Foundation pursues the ambitious goal of blind people's full cultural and social integration, also helping them to use the advanced technological instruments which offer the blind, and the young blind in particular, a quality of life which would have been unthinkable only a few years ago.
Connecting to this site you will be able to:
choose among more than 25,000 literay works in 6 european language, ranging from classical masterpieces to leisure fiction.
download school or reference books blind people may need in their everyday activities.
access to a wide selection of Italian daily newspapers and most popular magazines adapted to the blind's needs.
get information, software and addresses related to the available technology for the blind.
get to know other people and join a forum discussing any subject you may be interested in.